How to Choose a Doctor ?

Setting Goals of dental Visit… Know what things to consider before visiting a dentist.

Ask yourself few questions before finding a dentist near your home –

  • What objective am I Looking for?

       Getting Chief complaint solved according to problems you are facing –

              A – cavities / Pain in teeth

              B – swelling or Bleeding in gums

              C – difficulty in chewing

              D – teeth Cleaning

              E – any previous failed case re-treatment

              F – any other complaints


  • Where should I go?

        Try to find dentist in Kharadi / dental clinic in Kharadi on google.

                A – you will get few GMB (Google Business Profiles) Listings first

                B – search for dentist in Kharadi on

                C – search for dental clinic in Kharadi on

                D – search for any website particular dental clinic in Kharadi is having or not?


3 – Whom to choose? Everyone is providing similar treatments. It’s confusing?

             Now you can compare – Dentists / Dental clinics in Kharadi depending on choices in your mind –  

                     A – cost of Treatment

                     B – reputation of doctor

                     C – qualification of doctor BDS? MDS?

                     D – relevance to your location

                     E – word of mouth / reference

                     F – walk-in to nearby dental clinic


4 – What Should I Look for inside a Good dental clinic?

                   A – how staff welcomes you

                   B – registration process Online or Paperwork

                   C – cleanliness of premises

                   D – consulting panel

                   E – facilities available

                  F – equipment’s and advanced machines

                  G – time given for registration and each appointment

                  H – rush in the clinic –> more rush –> more mistakes –> more waiting -> poor experience

                  I –   your perception to surrounding also matters


5 – How to decide Doctor is good or not?

        A – good doctor will always address you chief complaint first

        B – will give ample time for consultation

        C – Explain in detail cause, why? How? What? about your dental issues

        D – Never forces you to start a dental treatment

        E – do not try to create worry some environments due to complications in future

        F – takes medical history in detail and prescribe medicines accordingly

        G – gives clear, transparent financial advice and give choices of payment options if any

        H – waits for your queries and resolves them asap

        I – finds a best solution for your dental issues and suggests alternative for it if any

       J – explains difference between equipment and advantages of each with comparison

       K – try to arrange any specialists if better outcome is expected (MDS doctors)

       L – schedules your next appointments according to convenient timings for both

       M – take a follow-up during treatment


6 – What should I do next to help doctor?

Now if you like a dental clinic and happy with doctor consultation it’s time for starting a treatment.

      A – do take necessary medicines on time

      B – do not try any home remedies

      C – ask doctor before doing anything which is not in the list of recommended guidelines

      D – call practice once before leaving from home for appointment

      E – we understand that your work is IMP but do call and tell doctor if any changes in appointment schedule / choices of treatment

     F – do not presume that you can enter any time and doctor will have to see you as and when you wish, please ask for appointment / at least give notice in advance that you wish to come

    G – for female patients – do not use lipstick or any cosmetics near lips while visiting for dental procedures to prevent contamination

   H – kindly tell doctor about your fast / not taking enough food prior to an appointment – if any on the day of procedure planned

   I – medical conditions if any do connect with your family physician and get green signal from him to proceed with dental therapies

  J – do not come late for appointment as will ultimately provide less time for practice to adjust with situation and may ruin you experience at the dental office


Happy journey…




Dental health awareness

Composite filling in tooth / tooth colored restoration

  • How much time is needed for one tooth filling?

          Usually, it takes single appointment for single filling. we need total 30 mins to 1 Hour of working time.

  • What is Amalgam tooth restoration?

         Dental amalgam is a metallic restorative material composed of a mixture of silver–tin–copper alloy and mercury.
The unset mixture is pressed (condensed) into a specifically prepared undercut tooth form and contoured to restore the tooth’s form and function

  • Do we still perform amalgam restorations?

       Amalgam has been used in dentistry since about 150 years and is still being used due to its low cost, ease of application, strength, durability, and bacteriostatic effect.

But due to innovations of upgraded & advanced materials like resin-based cements (Composites) use of amalgam has reduced drastically.

  • What are other materials available for tooth restorations?

1. Zinc Oxide Cement
2. Glass Inomer Cement
3. Zinc Phosphate Cement
4. Zinc Polycarboxylate Cement
5. Composite Resin Cement
6. Resin modified glass-ionomer cement (RMGIC)
7. Compomers
8. Cermets
9. Indirect restorative materials – Porcelain Inlay

       “The superglue of dentistry”
Composite resin is a plastic tooth-coloured material that is used as a filling. It is also called a white or plastic filling. The process of fusing the filling material to the tooth is called bonding.

It is placed into the cavity in layers until the tooth is restored to its original form. An ultraviolet light is used to harden it, and it can be chewed on immediately after it has been completed. This is an advantage it has over amalgam.

The filling bonds or sticks to the tooth. This characteristic is a major advance for dentistry. There is no longer the need to cut a slot into a tooth to hold a filling in place, as is necessary for an amalgam filling. As a result, less tooth needs to be cut away for a filling.

  • What is Life span of any filling? & Do they Fail?

     Fillings have a finite lifespan and avoiding new cavities is probably a more important factor than the material chosen for the restoration, composites appear to have a higher failure rate than amalgam over five to seven years.

Other Factors also come in picture –
    1. How well people keep their teeth clean.
    2. What are food habits of patients (soft / hard / sticky)
     3. Type of filling (Class 1 / Class 2 / Class 3 / Class 4 / Class 5) – note- ask your doctor for help here.
    4. Following Post operative care instructions.
    5. Shelf life of any material used inside oral conditions for longer durations.

1) Patients should have heavy breakfast or meal 1 hr prior to coming for treatment.

2) Kindly refrain from using any kind of make up or cosmetics on the day of procedure. It may lead to contamination.

3) If you have any symptoms of Covid 19 (Cough, Fever, Body ache, Difficulty in breathing, Diarrhoea, Vomiting, Rash) just cancel the appointment.

4) Call at Clinic before leaving from home for final confirmation of appointment.

5) Patient should be present in clinic premises 15-20 mins before the procedure timing to avoid anxiety.


Steps of procedure –

  •  Phase 1 – Cavity Removal
  1. Step 1 – Inspection of caries spread on tooth surfaces.      Carefully see extent and depth of cavity (Caries) If required, take RVG X ray if you feel cavity is deep inside and close to pulp of tooth. (To avoid RCT – root canal therapy)
  2. Step 2 – Removal of carious part of tooth. with help of high-speed air-roter make a small hole on tooth surface to remove decayed part of tooth
  3. Step 3 – Check for sensitivity, if any?     if caries is shallow then it is ok.But if it is deep then you may feel sensitivity while working with high speed air-roters * up to 1 lakh RPM * as it causes tremendous friction and ample heat generation which further increases sensitivity even when we are in dentin.
  4. Step 4 – If more sensitivity is der? Just Stop. with help of diagnostic RVG X ray cross check depth of cavity. ***remember for any X ray – it gives 2D image only, so you must rely on your doctors technical and hand skills here as cavity spreads in 3D (Length, width and depth) ***
  5. Step 5 – Final Inspection of Cavity Prepared.  Try to remove all caries * * * Score as less as possible… * * * Score 5 – Black portion – as it is most active area of disease. Score 4 – Dark Brown – Try to remove as it may create post operative sensitivity if left behind. Score 3 – Light Brown – Freshly spread cavity / caries – Try to remove but can be left if you feel too much of sensitivity. Score 2 – Dark yellow still visible – means max possible caries are out now  ———— > Time for filling then.  Note here – Score 1 – Yellow – like other part of dentin is healthy dentin.

    Kindly Note – As a Dentist / Dental doctor – It requires lots and lots of patience to fill tooth in steps and maintain natural contours by Hand Carving, which depends on time given, skills and expertise of your dentist.

      As a Dental Patient – You Co-operation is expected as it may take 10 to 15 mins for completing filling process and for that time you need to keep your mouth open, even your jaws may pain for a while due to wide opening for longer durations & be prepared for it.

  • Phase 2 – Tooth filling
  1. Step 6 – Filling of Tooth. It involves etching of prepared surfaces, application of bond with brush, curing bond & with help of choice of your material fill tooth in small increments & Cure to regain its all contours, form & Functions.
  • Phase 3 – Finishing & Polishing
  1. Step 7 – Removal of Excess material & High points.   with help of high-speed air-roter merge all borders of filling, use Abrasive burs to finish the surfaces of filling & Finally polish with advanced polishing kits. Finishing & Polishing Kits
  •  Phase 4 – Follow Up
  1. Step 8 – Revisiting doctor after every 6 months. just to consult and see if any issues with old fillings you had. Kindly Note – Many patients fail to undergo these IMP & mandatory actions which negatively impacts success of procedure.
  • Phase 5 – Maintenance
  1. Step 9 – Scaling of all teeth – Maintaining oral hygiene is very important for longevity and success of fillings so, it is advisable to get scaling done every 6 months for lifetime
  2. Step 10 – Self – Care of tooth, avoid biting any hard stuff from tooth & avoid sticky food.

1) Avoid eating till the effect of anaesthesia goes off completely (If given due to high sensitivity) as patient may end up biting lips, tongue, or cheeks accidentally.

2) Do not touch the operated site with fingers, tongue or by any other means.

3) Patient should avoid all types of health hazardous habits like tobacco chewing / smoking, as it may leave stains on teeth and fillings.

4) Maintain good food habits.

5) Do not eat too hot / too cold / too Sweet / too hard / too sticky food from operated side of mouth.

6) Slight pain & discomfort to jaw & joint areas is common.

7) In case of deep cavities mild to moderate sensitivity to heat and cold is expected.

8) In case of too much sensitivity or pain, visit your doctor urgently as you may need root canal procedure & Crown to save that tooth. (Charged Separately)

9) In case of failure of filling – it fractures or dislodges or comes out completely, visit your Dentist asap to refill or see for other options. (Charged Separately)



Dental health awareness


Dear Readers,

       The question of importance of milk teeth arises quite frequently. Most of the times patients assume taking good care of milk teeth is not so necessary because they are just going to fall shortly.

But these assumptions are completely wrong as milk teeth are as important as permanent (adult teeth).

Milk teeth are important
dental doctors for children in kharadi

If milk teeth fall / shed early, then the gaps created by them cause shifting and rotation of other teeth leading to spacing, crowding and malaligned teeth increasing the need of othodontic treatment (braces, teeth wires) in future.

Children are more prone to dental decay as they consume more sweets. eg.: chocolates, bakery products etc. If milk teeth become deeply carious and get infected, this infection and decay may pass on to erupting permanent teeth. Consequently, permanent teeth are damaged even before coming out of the gums.

baby teeth are important
carious milk teeth

Malaligned or black / brown stained, decayed teeth become a social stigma to the child leading to loss of self confidence and subsequent depression of the child. At this growing stage very small things matter to these budding minds.

So kindly do not neglect milk teeth. They are very important to child development.

Dental health awareness

Root Canal treatment, RCT Single Sitting Root canal

Root canal therapy is done for tooth pain, know cost of root canal & now get it done in kharadi pune

Root Canal Treatment, also known as Endodontics Treatment, is a dental procedure in which the diseased or damaged pulp (core) of a tooth is removed, and the inside areas (the pulp chamber and root canals) are filled and sealed.

Kindly Note –

For single RCT with Crown
Total working time — 3 and half hours
Total appointments — 5
Total gap between two appointments — 3 days ( two times needed )
Total Days to complete task — 12 Days.

1.How much time is needed for one tooth RCT ?

Usually it takes 3 to 4 appointments for single RCT by BDS graduates. they need total 2 to 4 Hrs of working time in separate appointments of half to 1 hr each. so you need to visit multiple times.

But Endodontist MDS post-graduates can perform Single sitting RCT. they need maximum 1 Hr working time that too in single visit.

Note — After RCT Crown Placement on tooth is mandatory in every case,
so time given above is excluding Crown preparation & placement.
( which further needs 4 appointments & 5 working days to manufacture your crown in dental labs )

2. How Endodontist can help you with Comfortable Painless RCT ?

Endodontist are MDS i.e. they are masters in that field,
they studied RCT for 3 more years than graduate dentist,
they are well trained to perform reliable + accurate RCT,
it is convenient & time saving as they are expert in doing single sitting root canal.
you will be needed to eat less antibiotic for less days (minimum 3 days), as you are getting treatment done in single visit.

3. How Rotary or Machine driven RCT is better than traditional Hand held file system ?

Rotary Machines are having three basic components –

A- Apex Locator — which works digitally to give us accurate reading that how far is root apex from top of the crown.

B — Rotary Handpiece with adjustable Torque — which rhythemically controls cleaning and shaping of complete root canals.

C — Rotary File system (e.g. Protaper Next, Heroshapers or gold plated files ) — which are made up of Titanium alloy base so are stronger yet more Flexible + offer less chances of file separation inside canals which was common with traditional K-files handheld system.

it is convenient & time saving as all three components together are expert in getting what we need for a best quality root canal treatment.

4. Why do many RCT fail ?

A — Most important is Choice of Dental Clinic ?
B — Choice of Doctor — Graduate or Post-graduate ?
C — Use of Advanced Technology ?
D — Justified Time given to the procedure ?
E — Patient Co-operation — having complete Medication on time to time basis ?
E — Medical Conditions — BP , Diabetes (Sugar), Thyroid, Blood Disorders etc
F — Post operative care — missed placement of crown after RCT, Eating Hard Food stuff, any kind of trauma on that tooth e.g. Fall from Vehicle or opening lid of bottle.

5. What will happen if I don’t put crown after RCT ?

Post operative care — Placement of Crown is mandatory after RCT, but many people fail to get it done as after RCT pain is relieved so practically their first priority to meet a dentist is pain & if it is solved then they think other steps are not required or they atleast try to postpone them as late as possible,

which leads to further damage on tooth treated earlier as it becomes brittle due to lack of nutrition through blood supply, next step is your tooth will fracture in small small pieces and one day you may have to loose it due to ignorance.

AR 32 Signature Smiles Executive Poly Dental Care Centre

Dentist in KharadiDental Clinic in Kharadi

Dental health awareness


Dear Readers,

This question arises to many persons minds if we have third set of teeth? How many Teeth we have? Till what age teeth keep erupting? At what age teeth shed? etc etc. Let me shortly explain you the doubts.  Teeth erupt only twice in a lifetime i.e. we have only two set of teeth.


            The development of these teeth begins while the baby is in the mother’s womb. At around five weeks pregnancy, the first buds of milk teeth appear in the baby’s jaws. At birth, the baby has a full set of 20 milk teeth (10 in the upper jaw & 10 in the lower jaw) hidden within the gums.

Milk teeth start erupting from 6 months after birth & the eruption completes at around 30 months of age.

Milk teeth start shedding from the age of 6 years till around 10-12 years of age.

Milk tooth treatment in kharadi


          This is the second set of teeth. This is God’s gift which He has made it such that they can be used for a lifetime. This consists of 28 to 32 teeth. Additionally some supernumerary teeth may be present of even some teeth may be congenitally missing.

Permanent teeth start erupting at the age of around 6 years & the eruption completes at around 12-13 years of age.

Third molars i.e. wisdom teeth erupt anytime after 17-23 years of age. So it is highly important to take good care of both primary and secondary dentition for a healthy being

  • Dr Rashmi Bamane

Dental health awareness


Dear readers,

RUMOR… Rumor is something that spreads quite easily like a wildfire from person to person. Unfortunately it may or may not be true and people start believing strongly in rumors even without verifying the facts.

“Dentistry is expensive” is one such rumor that interrupts in early evaluation and treatment of dental diseases.

This question arises in everyone’s mind whether meeting a dentist will really be an expensive deal? My answer to such questions is “NO”.

Considering the natural human tendency, majority of people do not reach out for medical help until and unless diseases become painful and unbearable… when things are aggravated and complicated. In such situations multiple procedures need to be done making the treatments a little expensive and lengthy.



Majority of population fail in maintaining oral hygiene. Dental hygiene and dental health is the most neglected one. There is more lack of awareness and more of believing in rumors. Home remedies fail to cure dental diseases, on contrary home remedies lead to acute exacerbation of dental diseases.

At least in India, dentistry is not at all expensive. The concept of DENTAL TOURISM works powerfully in India. People from worldwide come to India to get dental treatments done as its extremely cheap here and still the quality is not hampered.

So always understand the facts before trusting the rumors. Remember “DENTISTRY IS NOT EXPENSIVE, NEGLECT IS”.


How to Choose a Doctor ?

Searching for Dentist in Kharadi, Pune

   Dental problems prevalence is increasing at high pace and so is the need of dentist or dental clinics nearer to you, initially when doctor’s numbers and specialties were less in number, it was really easy to find and meet doctor in your reach.

   But as use of internet and technology escalated plus increased demand further gave birth to maintain online presence of medicos and dental clinic or hospital, so now we may see noticeable searches, use of online platforms and google business listings.

Here are some tips to find good dental doctor near kharadi, pune

  • Search on google for category
  • Look for GMB, Practo, Justdial like platforms for doctors
  • Compare reviews and ratings by previous patients

   But in my opinion it is not enough as now a days many companies are doing SEO ( search engine optimization ) and extensive fake feedback collection which are not genuine patients and online digital marketing is becoming a business day by day.

   Now in the age of digital marketing era it is very difficult to find trustable dentist in any given part of city, but you can visit a place and get to know about doctor and dental clinic personally and decide by yourself.

   What I believe is that job of marketing is to bring patients to the respective dental practices, but real journey starts after your experience with doctors, trust factor, reputation of doctor, attitude of staff and overall care taken by the clinic management.

  Here we are listing few points you can note to find differences in practices

1 – Reception

  • Look for any practice management software available
  • Team of BDS and MDS dental surgeons in consulting panel
  • Ambience and sitting area
  • Staff in uniform or not

2 – Working area

  • Hygiene of premises
  • Types of instruments
  • Dental chairs
  • Arrangement of instruments
  • Sterilization process

3 – Consultation area

  • Explanation of cause, treatment
  • Time given for consultation
  • Cost of procedures
  • Financial advises if any like EMI or PDC

4 – Dental laboratory support

  • Apart from this key partner is dental lab manufacturer who helps in preparing crowns, bridges, implant prosthesis and dentures.

5 – Safety or sanitation

  • Amidst current Covid pandemic aerosols producing procedures are either postponed or can be done by using PPE kit, aerosol High vac suction machine.
  • Post operatively fogger machines are used for neutralizing any pathogens

many times cost of procedure is more so we may get anxious


Speciality Branch

Dentistry is still an upcoming branch of medical science in India, it needs more time to settle and Upgrade.

Costly management & Infrastructure

most of dental Equipment’s are imported from all around world and management or working cost are higher due to dental lab expenses and Consultant doctors fees.

No Insurance or Mediclaim Coverage

there is no insurance / Mediclaim / reimbursement policy available in India till date. (some companies cover 5 to 15 K depending on group insurance taken by company – which accepts any medical / hospital bills.

Lack of awareness

People are not yet educated regarding many dental procedures, treatment options, so half knowledge is always dangerous.

Elective Procedures

Most of dental procedures are elective ( means one can postpone them in early phases – at Will. ) so dental patients try to find home remedies to postpone pain till last moment.

Saturation of dental clinics in Urban areas

practically most dentist settle in urban areas due to less awareness, less demand in rural areas and lack of govt job availability, so setting up private dental clinic is only choice left with dental doctors.


Conclusion – Most of our decisions in life are Value driven and not cost driven…. it depends on severity of problems or situation and choices or will power of person…

AR 32 Signature Smiles
AR 32 Signature Smiles

Economics is vital but not everything…

Dental health awareness

MYTHS IN DENTISTRY – is dentistry painful ?

Dear readers,

RUMOUR… Rumour is something that spreads quite easily like a wildfire from person to person. Unfortunately it may or may not be true and people start believing strongly in rumours even without verifying the facts.

“Dentistry is painful” is one such topic that is filled with fears and rumours. Most of the times patients are fearful of going to dentists because of such rumours. Daily we encounter patients who are very much sure about the rumours that they have heard of and try rejecting valid treatments. We need to counsel and make patients aware of the facts.

This question arises in everyone’s mind whether meeting a dentist will really be painful? Will it be a terrifying experience etc etc. My answer to all such questions is “No”. If you take proper care and listen to your doctor’s instructions then the procedures are not painful. You need to follow a few simple protocols as instructed by your doctor. Now a days, the use of advanced machines and technologies have made dentistry almost painless and the procedures have become quite a lot quick.

So always understand the facts before trusting the rumours. “DENTISTRY IS NOT PAINFUL, NEGLECT IS”.



Dental health awareness


Dear Readers,

                In this article we will discuss about one of the greatest, intense and a quite common fear… The Dental Fear aka dental anxiety or Dentophobia.

                Do you also experience dental fear? Does a dentist appear to be a pain giving, bloodthirsty monster to you? Don’t worry, you are not alone. Dental fear is incredibly common and there are ways to overcome it.

                Extremely strong minded people also face a breakdown in dental chair. A vast majority of people are neglecting oral health just due to some or the other kind of dental fear.

                Let your fears not win over your good health. As I have earlier also mentioned in my articles that chewing of food efficiently is very important for an overall healthy being as the process of digestion begins in the mouth and not in the stomach or intestines.

                So my dear readers firstly find out the reason of your fear and fight against it. We can overcome it together but for that you at least need to visit a dental office.



  • Just because someone else is scared so I am also scared.
  • Have heard a lots of myths and negative rumours about dental treatment. (eg.: Dental treatment damages eyesight, dental treatments are extremely painful etc etc.)
  • Extra concern about the hygiene and sterilization of dental instruments as they are supposed to be put in the mouth makes a person over conscious.
  • Smells of dental materials.
  • Sounds of dental machines.
  • Some common fears like fear of doctor, needles, injections, fear of pain.
  • Negative or painful experience with a dentist in the past especially in childhood. If a patient gets inflicted with dental fear in childhood then that fear becomes so extreme that such a person would never visit a dentist again. So I would like to request parents to go slow and steady with your children’s treatment.



  • A dentophobiac tends to neglect oral health as long as possible. In such cases simple cavities or gum diseases aggravate and may lead to severe complications. Once the diseases are aggravated, they become even more painful and need little more time for recovery or may also lead to failed recovery.
  • Due to neglect, treatments become time consuming, more invasive, painful as well as expensive.
  • People with broken, discoloured or missing teeth might experience a social stigma as it affects the looks (esthetics) of a person. In long term this may lead to isolation, depression, lack of confidence and social anxiety.
  • Due to a downgraded oral health, it is not possible to chew and digest properly. This leads to digestive problems which in turn affects the overall health of an individual.



  • Its not impossible to cope up with any of your fears. The best way to fight your fear is to face your fear.
  • Now a days dentistry has become much more advanced and least painful. Use of latest techniques has already reduced the dental pain during procedures from negligible to zero.
  • Still if you are worried you can talk to your dentist regarding your worries and concerns. A good doctor will always hear you, give you enough time and help you out of it.
  • Also you need to trust your dentist, so prefer going to a dentist who has been successful in gaining your trust.
  • Try choosing a dental office which has facilities to divert patient attention and make you feel more comfortable. (eg. audio visual systems).
  • In extreme cases of dentophobia consult a psychiatrist if required but just don’t complicate your health conditions as a result of fear.
Overcoming your dental fears
Overcoming your dental fears

So my dear readers nothing is impossible in life so just accept and face your fear. Stop your oral health and consequently your overall health from deteriorating. Dentophobia is very much common and can be treated with patient co operation and mutual trust.


                                                -Dr. Rashmi Bamane.


Dental health awareness

Dental health care and pregnancy

Dear Readers,

Today we live in a generation where we are advanced, well educated, technosavy, overall wise and well aware… responsible individuals. Now-a-days we all lead a well planned life…. professional as well as personal.

In recent times, the most well planned moment is the moment of having a baby… being pregnant. WOW…. such a wonderful feeling…. MOM TO BE…. DAD TO BE….

Imagine we plan so many big and small things to welcome our little bundle of joy…. But wait a minute…. think… are we planning enough…. are we really planning a good health for the child and the mother???


Dental health care and pregnancy
Dental health care and pregnancy


To some extent maybe yes… we do blood checkups, physical examination, eat healthy, stay fit, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, take mineral supplements, good timely routine etc etc… But what about the mother’s ORAL HEALTH? How many moms to be have visited a dentist before planning for your pregnancy? The number is negligible to almost zero in India. WHY??? Due to lack of awareness… Maybe…

In this article let me make you aware why good oral health is important during and after pregnancy…

  • Firstly you need good healthy teeth to eat and digest good food during pregnacy, lactation (breast feeding) and rest of your life. Remember the process of digestion begins in the mouth and not in the stomach or intestine. So proper chewing and digestion is a must especially during pregnancy because many mothers face the issue of stomach bloating and acidity. So make your teeth capable of chewing properly before planning for pregnancy.
  • Due a roller coster of changing hormones all the toothaches and gum conditions (gingivitis) begin to worsen during pregnancy. Pregnancy places women in a immuno compromised state so they are more susceptible to all types of infections.
  • Pregnancy itself does not cause gingivitis but aggravates the severity of gingival changes. These changes may include:
  1. Severe bleeding from gums
  2. Enlarged or swollen gums
  3. Discoloured or raspberry like gums.
  4. Yellowish discharge from gums.
  5. Tooth mobility.
  6. Pregnancy tumor: It is tumor like gingival enlargement but not a neoplasm. Its not a cancerous lesion.

All mothers face variable severity of gingivitis depending on the variable increase of hormones (progesterone and estrogen).

  • A pregnant woman who has healthy gums will not face any of the above mentioned conditions.
  • Drug Therapy: It is contraindicated as drugs can affect fetus by diffusion across placenta during pregnancy and during lactation drugs may enter breast milk and transferred to the nursing infant.
  • No treatment can be done during pregnancy except oral prophylaxis and simple restorative procedures. If any of the teeth pain… mother has to suffer almost entire pregnancy and during nursing too.

Genetic dental caries: A mother may pass on her poor oral health to her baby right in her womb. Dental caries (tooth decay) is genetically transferred.


So dear MOMS TO BE get your full body check up done before starting the most joyful journey of your life because a healthy you will reproduce a healthy child. Remember full body check up includes your mouth too…equally vital. Prepare for this precious moment even better.

Its said that toothache is more worse than labour pain… stay away from it. Don’t let your lack of awareness ruin your most cherished experience of the blessing of becoming a mother. This journey is worth enjoying… you dont need, you don’t deserve to go through any sufferings if you are a healthy mother.

Now that you are aware of the dental facts related to pregnancy… don’t make poor oral health a case of your shear neglect.

Consult your Gynaecologist and Dentist and have a blooming pregnancy. Enjoy every moment of your most unique and precious journey…. Pregnancy and post pregnancy….

                     Wishing you a good health…

                                                              Dr. Rashmi Bamane.